Planet Renu is a Zero-Waste Refill shop! We offer reusable & eco-friendly alternatives to plastic products, as well as refillable home and shower essentials! Also ask us about having an automatic refill machine for your business or apartment building.

Eco Lunchboxes🍎⁠

Eco Lunchboxes🍎⁠

These stylish yet durable stainless steel lunchboxes are perfect for both the classroom and the office!⁠

-Nest or use separately⁠
-Prevents food from touching/mixing⁠
-Great for portion control⁠/meal prepping⁠
-Made from food-grade stainless steel & silicone⁠

Available @planetrenu

Eco Lunchboxes🍎⁠

#ecolunchbox #schoollunch #worklunch #lunchtogo #portioncontrol #mealprepping #lunchbox #bentobox #stainlesssteel #silicone #dishwashersafe #ecoliving #ecofriendlylifestyle #ecofriendlyliving #reduceplastic #lessplastic #saynotoplastic #nolandfill #gogreen #environmentalsustainability #sustainablelifestyle #sustainablebusiness #womanownedbusiness #walnutcreek #planetrenu

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