Planet Renu is a Zero-Waste Refill shop! We offer reusable & eco-friendly alternatives to plastic products, as well as refillable home and shower essentials! Also ask us about having an automatic refill machine for your business or apartment building.

Grow Your Own Veggies from Scraps

Propagate more vegetables from your kitchen scraps!⁠
It will help you save money at the grocery store, and some of them even make stylish houseplants 😎🌿⁠

Just pop the rooted end into a cup of water and transfer the plant to dirt once those roots grow to be about an inch long. ⁠

This graphic from includes six easy examples to get you started! ☺️⁠
Grow Your Own Veggies from Scraps

#regrowveggies #plantpropagation #propagation #kitchenscraps #kitchenscrapgardening #savemoneylivebetter #lettuceleaves #onionplant #celerystalk #springonion #carrotgreens #fennel #houseplants #ecowarrior #zerowasteliving #lesswaste #reduceplastic #reduceyourimpact #environmentalsustainability #sustainablelifestyle #sustainablesolutions #planetrenu

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