Planet Renu is a Zero-Waste Refill shop! We offer reusable & eco-friendly alternatives to plastic products, as well as refillable home and shower essentials!

Hidden Plastics!

Sneaky plastics are everywhere! It’s not good for you or the environment. Reduce your plastic impact by using reusable coffee cups, reusable menstrual products, and toothpaste tablets (all things you can find in our shop)!

Repost @theearthlingco

#lowwaste #lowimpact #eco #cleanliving #sustainablelife #dontlosehope #sustainability #zerowaste #noplastic #ecobusiness #smallbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #ecolifestyle #bethechange #doyourpart #nopollution #reuse #noplanetb #nosingleuseplastic #makechange #everyonecandosomething #wastefreeaugust #ecofriendlyproduct #zerowastegoals #zerowasteshop #ecoshopping #reusable #planetrenu #plasticfree

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