Planet Renu is a Zero-Waste Refill shop! We offer reusable & eco-friendly alternatives to plastic products, as well as refillable home and shower essentials!

It's TIME to make the SWITCH to Reusable Produce Bags

It's time to make the switch! ⁠

It's time to switch from plastic bags that you get from the grocery store or farmer's markets to reusable produce bags :)⁠

If you're using them already- great job!!⁠

If you are not, now is the time. The average shopper uses 260 plastic bags per year- that's shopping once a week and buying 5 fruits, vegetables or herbs. (and many of us, shop much more than that!).⁠
reusable produce bags, no more plastic bags, stop using plastic bags, save the earth, planet renu
Join the Plastic Bag Campaign- and do your part to reduce/stop single use plastics from entering the landfill stream.⁠

Planet Renu offer a few types of reusable produce bags. Our most popular is our organic cotton 6-pack.⁠

Check it out today on our website:⁠⁠

#reusableproducebags#stopplasticpollution#stopsingleuseplastics#singleuseplastics #savetheearth#planetrenu

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