Planet Renu is a Zero-Waste Refill shop! We offer reusable & eco-friendly alternatives to plastic products, as well as refillable home and shower essentials!

New Foldable Stainless Steel Cutlery

We’ve got some new foldable cutlery that’ll make it easier to reduce your usage of single use plastic cutlery! Not only are these stainless steel utensils easy to carry and easy to clean, but they’re also super cute!

#recycle #gogreen #sustainableliving #sustainable #reducereuserecycle #green #sustainability #circulareconomy #innovation #eco #climateaction #smallbusiness #planetrenu #sustainablelifestyle #community #environment #noplastic #climatecrisis #zerowaste #ecofriendly #savetheplanet #plasticfree #bethechange #climatechange #environmentallyfriendly #reuse #zerowasteliving #globalwarming #conservation #greenliving

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