Planet Renu is a Zero-Waste Refill shop! We offer reusable & eco-friendly alternatives to plastic products, as well as refillable home and shower essentials! Also ask us about having an automatic refill machine for your business or apartment building.

Planet Renu, Bee's Wrap & National Geographic

We are so excited to announce a new super fabulous, eco-friendly product line at Planet Renu- Bee's Wraps.

What are Bee's Wraps you ask? They are the eco-friendly alternative to Saran Wrap or foil.

Wrap a sandwich, cheese, produce, and cover a bowl. Use the warmth of your hands to form Bee's Wrap over the top of a bowl, half a lemon, or a piece of cheese. The wrap will hold its shape when it cools, creating a seal.

We are also super excited to support a great cause. Bee's Wraps and National Geographic have partnered to create their own Bee's Wraps 3pk. We are selling the new Explorer Pack as part of their “Planet or Plastic?” campaign. This multi-year, global initiative is designed to raise awareness of the global plastic pollution crisis.

Try them today- you won't be disappointed and you are doing something great for the environment.
Bee's Wraps- check them out here:

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