Planet Renu is a Zero-Waste Refill shop! We offer reusable & eco-friendly alternatives to plastic products, as well as refillable home and shower essentials!

Why Choose Bamboo

nd why choose bamboo?

1. Bamboo is the fastest-growing plant on earth

Bamboo is a highly sustainable plant. Bamboo can grow to full size in just 3-4 months, compared to standard trees which can take 30+ years to grow. And bamboo is grown without pesticides and chemicals. Thus bamboo cultivation is less likely to harm the environment.

2. Bamboo is strong and durable
With proper care, your bamboo goodies can be used time and time again without the worry of them deteriorating.

3. Bamboo is safe and hygienic

Bamboo fibres are naturally anti-bacterial without needing any toxic chemical treatments, all thanks to its substance called ‘bamboo kun’. Bamboo kun is found in bamboo fibre and is an antimicrobial bio-agent which gives bamboo its natural antibacterial properties. This prevents bacteria and microbes growing on bamboo products making it the perfect plant for naturally hygienic products such as bamboo straws and cutlery, keeping them sterile and fresh.

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