Eco Lip Balms & Soaps
Lip Balm & Artisan Soaps 🌀
We have so many great personal care options at Planet Renu and we're constantly on the lookout for the most eco-friendly packaging!
Check out our lip balm options offered in cardboard tubes rather than plastic, and our own artisan soaps that are packaged in a compostable bioplastic, so they stay fresh and protected ☺️
Available @planetrenu
#lipbalms #chapstick #artisansoap #artisansoaps #cardboard #bioplastic #compostable #compostablepackaging #ecofriendlypackaging #personalcareproducts #environmentalimpact #ecoliving #ecofriendlylifestyle #ecofriendlyliving #reduceplastic #lessplastic #saynotoplastic #nolandfill #gogreen #environmentalsustainability #sustainablelifestyle #sustainablebusiness #womanownedbusiness #walnutcreek #planetrenu