Planet Renu is a Zero-Waste Refill shop! We offer reusable & eco-friendly alternatives to plastic products, as well as refillable home and shower essentials!

San Francisco Airports Has Stopped Selling Plastic Water Bottles

On Tuesday, San Francisco International airport stopped selling water in plastic bottles! This is a photo of the new water bottle available for purchase 😊

These bottles are reusable and refillable aluminum bottles. πŸ’‘
Very practical and a great step towards reducing and eliminating our usage of single use plastics ✨✈️

Those wishing to hydrate at San Francisco International Airport will have to drink from a water fountain, bring their own reusable bottle or prepare to buy an airport-approved glass or aluminum water bottle.
The airport is adding plastic water bottles to its list of restricted food service items as part of an effort to become the world's first zero-waste airport by 2021. According to the nonprofit Zero Waste Alliance, that means diverting at least 90% of waste from landfills and incinerators by recycling and composting.
What the ban includes
Purified water, carbonated or sparkling water, mineral water and electrolyte-enhanced water are all officially banned. This means airport vendors, including vending machines, can no longer sell or provide free bottled water in a plastic bottle, a sealed box, can or other container intended primarily for single-service use and having a capacity of 1 liter or less.
Vendors will be able to sell or provide reusable recyclable aluminum, glass and certified compostable water products, according to the airport. Travelers also have the option of bringing empty disposable plastic water bottles to fill up at any of the airport's approximately 100 free water fountains and hydration stations.
* Reported by Susan Scutti, CNN
#banplastic #zerowaste #banplasticbottles #SFAirport

#sfo #reusablewaterbottle #greatchanges
#preservation #planetrenu

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