Planet Renu is a Zero-Waste Refill shop! We offer reusable & eco-friendly alternatives to plastic products, as well as refillable home and shower essentials! Also ask us about having an automatic refill machine for your business or apartment building.

Porch Pick-Up Delivery Service

Zero waste shop porch pick up delivery service

Subscribe in the form below to sign-up for this free delivery service!  For orders over $25 and within a one-mile radius of our shop, we will pick up your empties, take it back to our store, refill, and deliver it back to your doorstep!  We can do pick-ups and deliveries in a 5-mile radius for $8. Pick-up and delivery turn-arounds will take 3-5 days.  And you can add anything to your order free of charge!  Zero-waste has never been more convenient!


Sign-Up for Porch Pick-up and Delivery

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